“Come Away for a While”
Evening of Aug 25th - Aug 28th
At St. Augustine House in Oxford, MI.
A time for personal reflection, rest and for a special time to go apart and listen, to draw close to the Presence and be refreshed in your inner spirit.
Arrive Sunday from 3pm-6pm join in Vespers then supper followed by a short meeting before you enter your retreat and leaving Wednesday after Sext at noon.
Each day you will have the opportunity to sit with a trained spiritual guide that can help you move closer to the Lord. Or perhaps read, walk along the wooded roadside, or the paths through the property, sit in on a session of teaching about faith practices or engage in a time of work, there are often simple tasks or chores with which guests can help. You will also be able to join the residents and engage in the hours of prayer throughout the day.
Each day you will be provided with two meals: dinner at 12:30 and supper after Vespers. Breakfast is eaten in silence on a self-serve basis. Bread, cereal, coffee, tea, milk, and juice will be available in the dining area after Lauds until 7:15 a.m. You will have a private room with your own bathroom.
Cost is $240 per person includes all.
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What's Our Story...
Life in the Spirit Academy
Life in the Spirit is a team of experienced and passionate professionals offering programs designed to help us all live our lives in the Spirit! One person alone cannot hold the depth and breadth of knowledge needed to lead the immersive study necessary to help a person grow into a faith formed by the Holy Spirit, so we decided to come together with one purpose. Helping people know God's presence in their life. Religious, lay, ordained, or trained, each of our staff comes from unique experiences. This way they can relate better to you and your unique life experiences!
We invite you to look over our offerings and see which might be calling to you! If you are unsure, perhaps a trusted adviser can look them over with you and help. Of course, you are welcome to contact Pastor Ken Greble from Grace Lutheran Church in Howell, MI for further discussion or any of the academy's staff to go over their program's details.
We hope that you are able to join us for one or many of our offerings. Until then may you experience the felt presence of God in your life!

Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction encourages you to explore a closer relationship with God. In spiritual direction, you reflect deeply on the experiences of your daily life. Spiritual Direction is really not about being directed. Rather, it is very much about being encouraged to draw closer to God.
Session usually lasts about 45 to 60 minutes.
The director is there to listen to you and to listen to the Spirit.
You may share difficult questions you are wrestling with.
Share your hopes, struggles and losses.
Discover new paths to living in the Spirit...
Discover the spiritual gifts God has given you!
Discovering God's Vision for Your Life is a complete set of integrated resources used to establish a spiritual gifts ministry. It provides an effective, biblical solution that leads individuals to thriving in ministry and mission.
The centerpiece is a six-hour course over two sessions that helps people understand spiritual gifts, find out what their own gifts are, and get excited about using those gifts in ministry. Knowing one's spiritual gifts helps people to confidently go out and use them according to God's calling and through the workshop, people are mobilized as ministers, making an impact for God in the world.
Next Offering is on May 10th and 11th

This program is open to anyone who would like to explore the classic elements of monastic, spiritual, and contemplative life to discover how this ancient wisdom, learning, and spiritual practice might be understood and lived in new settings and life today. This program runs from September 2024 through May 2025 meeting once per month for a full day. Contact the instructor to visit a current class and/or register to begin!
Foundations of Christian Spirituality

Discover the Enneagram!
The Enneagram is an ancient and extremely useful tool for radical growth and change in our self-awareness journey! It gives us language to understand our drives and motivations and how we interact with the world around us.
Your instructor uses a three-workshop system to start you on your journey anew in the world. Request more info below to find out when the next workshop is being held and to start a dialogue with an instructor!